
Saturday 27 June 2015

questioning reality vs dreams1

I'm walking towards a hill, a steep sloppy hill. Between me and this hill is a deep gulf. So deep that I don't see the bottom. I stand there a while, wondering what to do. The gulf is to wide to put a bridge on, the hill contains my source of life force. I stand there in a dilemma. It doesn't look like anyone is around, yet I see around this gulf a thousand foot prints. A sure evidence of people's intrusion on the otherwise quiet and deserted terrain. I walk a few paces to the left, a few paces backward, forward and right. Somehow, by some folly that I do not understand not care to understand. I get it into my head that I can jump across. So I step back a bit and give myself a head start, as we all fear, I fall right into the pit. And down, deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper I fall, with no bottom in sight for minutes unending! The wait is killing me, I just want to touch bottom and die already! Just as I'm about to give up, (not that there's much I can do about touching bottom anyway!) I touch bottom with a PLOP!!! Lo and behold, I'm in my own stomach. The pit I fell into is in my stomach! Not a pretty sight I assure you all. And no, this isn't a dream I can wake up from. This is happening as real as daylight. But how real is daylight?

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